Monday, 10 June 2013

Chapelford Summer Fair

I now have a new blog address.
To look at this post at just click this link- Chapelford Summer Fair

This Saturday I went to Chapelford Summer Fair in Warrington and set my stall out along with 60 other people. It was a great day, really well organised with lots of fun things to do and watch. There were lots of lovely stall with beautiful products (which for some reason I did not take any pictures of!) and this is how my stall looked.

It went reasonably well for me, it was a gorgeous day and people were spending their money on food, ice creams and their kids rather than gifts and cards but quite a few people took my business card for the personalised heart decorations and cards and I received a lot of compliments. So overall a positive experience.

Next Saturday I will have a stall at the Great Budworth Summer Garden Party so wish me luck!